Grace is an appropriate name for reflection before a meal. It is an entirely graceful gesture to pause before eating, to consider what is involved in bringing health to those with whom we share food.
The Spring 2009 issue of Yes! magazine shared the following translation of Grace heard in Latin America.
To those who have hunger, give bread.
To those who have bread, give the hunger for justice.
This sentiment was echoed by Brazil's Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva when he said upon being elected President, "If by the end of my term of office, every Brazilian is able to have three meals a day, I will have accomplished my mission in life."
Lula is the only leader from Latin America to rank on the Newsweek 50 Global Elite list of the most influential leaders in the world. Newsweek noted, "Brazil, once at the edge of ruin, now has $207 billion in Treasury reserves and the lowest inflation rate in the developing world. Thanks to Lula's fiscal smarts, Brazil is among the world's healthiest emerging economies."
Nearing the end of his 2nd term in office, Lula enjoys an 80% approval rating. For those still hungry in Brazil, you have good reasons for hope. At grace tomorrow, may the world share in your hopes for Lula to accomplish his life's mission during his final year in office.
In the name of balanced reporting, here is a comment, from my friend in São Paulo. She wrote me on Messenger, "type Mensalão and learn the other side" (about her President). Thank you Cinthia for the news from Brazil. Wiki has a link to the Mensalão scandal at: